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PMO audit checklist

    PMO audit checklist

    Is your PMO getting audited your worst nightmare? Our PMO audit checklist can help

    Audits. No-one looks forward to them and, even less, welcomes them. However, internal auditing is an important part of an organisation’s development and something you should be prepared for. Being prepared for an audit is easier said than done, especially when you’re so busy, simply getting your work done! So, if your PMO getting audited is your worst nightmare, this PMO audit checklist can help. 

    PMO audit checklist

    In traditional Excel-based PMOs, the project artefacts (documents, approvals, and processes) are typically spread over many different documents, shared file locations and even emails. Many of these may be in personal file stores, mailboxes or legacy project archives.

    All of the above makes it difficult and time consuming to collate all of the information and correspondence required for the audit, causing stress and strain across the team.

    PMO audits generally focus on the following areas:

    • Roles & responsibilities
    • Communication 
    • Processes & procedures
    • Proof of approvals and sign-offs
    • KPIs and key metrics

    Meaning, to be prepared for an audit, you’ll need to consider and prepare the following elements: 

    • Ensuring all individual roles & responsibilities are clearly documented with any tracked changes
    • Placing all PMO & project communications in a single location 
    • Ensuring all processes, policies and project procedures are clearly documented, communicated with relevant professionals, and align with the organisation processes
    • Demonstrate that everyone not only understand the processes, policies and procedures but are working to them
    • Evidence of reviews and approvals of projects, changes, risks, etc.
    • Keeping an audit trail of budgets, timelines, objectives, project status(es), reviews, and any other relevant KPIs 

    With traditional Excel-based PMOs, collating all of this evidence is challenging. 

    Fortunately, this is where PMO applications, such as that offered by the team here at Sycamore Gap, can positively transform your Project Management Office, especially when it comes to successfully passing a PMO audit. 

    Our pre-built PMO solution provides you with single app access to all project information and vital metrics for your portfolio; rich audit trail of updates at row and field level; history of reviews and approvals with minutes, names and dates; consistent, embedded processes for all teams to follow. 

    What’s more, Sycamore Gap’s PMO utilises Microsoft’s Power Platform to seamlessly integrate with your existing investment in the Microsoft stack. 

    Housing all your communications and project data in one place not only means that you can view information at a glance, but you can also generate reports quickly and easily, minimising (or eliminating!) the traditionally time consuming copy ‘n’ paste approach to PMO reporting; all configured to your organisation.

    And, of course, all of this means that you can feel confident when the time comes for an audit!

    To find out more about our pre-built PMO solution, please book a demo or email [email protected]