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What are PMO responsibilities?

    What are PMO responsibilities? Sycamore Gap PMO

    The responsibilities of a PMO

    Project Management Offices (PMOs) play a major role in the success of companies running multiple projects and/or overseeing many different accounts and have a number of key responsibilities. 

    The responsibilities of a PMO are discussed within this article… 

    What are PMO responsibilities?

    The responsibilities of a PMO include the following tasks, roles, and benefits – 

    Support the implementation of projects: one of the key responsibilities of a PMO is to support the implementation of projects; ensuring Project Managers are equipped with the right documents, tools, information and communication to work productively and efficiently, as well as any necessary training or access to development opportunities. 

    Plan and schedule resources: planning, scheduling and allocating project resources as appropriate is also an important role of a PMO as Project Management Offices are able to prioritise and allocate dependent on business needs. 

    Communication between projects and decision makers: the intermediary between projects and decision makers, it is a PMO’s responsibility to ensure decision makers are provided with all the information they need in an accessible and standardised way so they can make the most appropriate decisions for the projects in question. This often involves reporting, attending meetings, and ensuring open & honest communication is practised.  

    Professional development: the role of the PMO is also to ensure Project Managers and project teams are supported to develop, grow and learn new skills appropriate and relevant to their individual roles, not only in the interest of their projects and the organisation in which they are employed, but for their own, individual growth and development. 

    Ultimately, the responsibility of a PMO is to ensure that projects are completed as expected (to time and to budget) and in the best interests of the client, as well as ensuring that the project teams working on them are supported to achieve this. 

    To aid PMOs to fulfil this, we’ve created a pre-built PMO solution – a single app designed to help you with a number of project management tasks, including the generation of reports, analysis and monitoring of key metrics, portfolio management, and risk management & mitigation. 

    To find out more about our PMO solution, please visit our services page or book a demo.