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The role of reporting in project management

    The role of reporting in project management Sycamore Gap PMO

    Reporting in project management – the importance & impact of

    Reporting in project management is one of the most important elements of the entire project process and, indeed, regular reports are vital business tools; tracking project progress as well as impacting project delivery, mitigating risks, and supporting team growth. 

    The role of reporting in project management 

    The aim of project reporting is to analyse, track and communicate the status of projects, communicating key metrics to stakeholders and teams external to the project(s) in question; undertaken at regular intervals – often monthly – project reporting can be as beneficial to project teams as it is to those working outside the project(s) with a vested interest in the work. 

    Project reporting supports the management of expectations of stakeholders, alongside providing information relating to the status of a project or series of projects. 

    Regular project reporting also allows teams and PMO Leaders to stay close to projects and their progression; the data reported on often showing trends, potential risks and challenges, changes that may affect project delivery and/or team performance, especially where project progression is broken down by tasks (and those tasks are assigned to individual team members). 

    Within this, the above-mentioned visibility of regular reporting in project management also contributes to increased ownership of tasks, productivity and efficiency – not least of all because – with all eyes on the data – it’s easier to tell where blockages and bottlenecks are in projects. 

    As a result, reporting is essential to project health and project delivery. However, it is also something that – historically – takes a lot of time and effort to produce; PMO Leaders, especially, spend much of their time analysing spreadsheets and manually creating reports from various sources. 

    This is where Sycamore Gap’s PMO is essential to Project Management Offices and streamlining processes. 

    By providing one-click dashboards and automating much of the reporting project teams are required to produce, PMOs and PMO Leads can produce essential reports quickly and easily, saving vast amounts of time that can be otherwise spent managing and mitigating risks, training & mentoring project teams and focusing on project delivery (and the tasks associated with). 

    To find out more about Sycamore Gap’s PMO solution, please click here, book a demo or contact us.

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