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The most important PMO KPIs: what metrics you should be tracking

    PMO KPIs Sycamore Gap PMO

    Exploring the most important PMO KPIs

    Whilst every PMO may be different, there are a number of PMO KPIs that every Project Management Office will want to track. Here are the most important metrics you should be tracking… 

    The most important PMO KPIs

    PMO Performance: KPIs that serve to measure and prove the success of your PMO – i.e. PMO performance KPIs – will be top of your list of important metrics to track. Consider KPIs relating to: 

    • Employee/team training (number of courses completed)
    • Currency of data & reporting (all reports updated and available within an agreed timeframe)
    • PMO support provided (number of open/closed tickets etc.)

    Project completion: projects are central to the PMO (of course) and tracking project completion rates will be just as central to tracking and proving the success of your Project Management Office. 
    The tracking of this KPI is most effective when done over specific periods of time, i.e. tracking the number of projects completed during the course of – 

    • A month
    • A quarter
    • A financial year
    • A calendar year

    And comparing this to the previous period will serve to show growth and diversity – assuming the number of completed projects has increased! 

    The effects of the PMO: how effective is your PMO in relation to corporate goals & objectives? For example, a corporate goal for the year may be to increase the number of projects completed by 12% on the previous year or to increase project revenue by 10% on last year. 

    Tracking these, alongside your unique project metrics, will help you keep track of the achievements, success and benefits of your PMO to the organisation, both long and short term.

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