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The most effective PMO methods

    The most effective PMO methods Sycamore Gap PMO

    The most effective PMO methods and how PMO and how PMO tools can help! 

    Successful PMOs adopt some pretty specific practices and methods in order to improve project processes, communication, collaboration and minimise risk. Here, we discuss the most effective PMO methods and how PMO tools can help. 

    The most effective PMO methods

    Create a PMO strategy: successful PMOs create strategies based on key organisation goals & objectives, and serve to underpin those goals & objectives, rather than working in isolation. As such, speaking with different departments and key stakeholders to understand what the organisation wants to achieve in the coming year is key to PMO success. PMO tools help project teams visualise projects, their budgets, timelines and resource allocations in order to provide everyone involved in a project with a clear and accessible overview of the project lifecycle.

    Plan, plan, plan: planning is one of the most valuable methods a PMO can adopt in order to achieve success; setting a budget, creating a risk management strategy, allocating resources and putting preliminary deadlines in place before a project kicks off will truly transform your PMO. 

    Track KPIs: being able to track key project metrics in real time, a function PMO tools – such as Sycamore Gap’s PMO – provide, enables all project team members to quickly and easily view project progression, resource gaps and bottlenecks, and identify potential risks before they happen; allowing PMOs to be proactive, maintaining control and preventing risks. 

    Streamline processes: cloud or app-based PMO tools improve communication and productivity within project teams, allow teams to track key project metrics and automate elements of reporting. With this, they also take away from traditional copy ‘n’ paste Excel-based PMOs that are difficult to update, are prone to human error and take a lot of time to report on/with. PMO tools help project teams to streamline processes and save valuable time that can be otherwise allocated to higher-value tasks. 

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