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What’s the difference between an agile PMO and a traditional PMO? 

    agile PMO vs traditional PMO Sycamore Gap PMO

    Agile PMO vs. traditional PMO

    Agile PMO (Project Management Office) is becoming increasingly popular, especially since the pandemic and the significant rise in remote working and online PMOs. But what is an agile PMO and what’s the difference between an agile PMO and a traditional PMO? 

    Agile PMO vs. traditional PMO

    The agile PMO approach focuses on flexibility, adaptability, and practices of continuous improvement that embrace Agile principles and methodologies including Scrum and Kanban. 

    As such, agile PMOs enable teams to respond quickly and positively to change, changing requirements, and delivering value incrementally.

    Conversely, a traditional PMO follows a sequential project management approach that involves a linear process of phases; including initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and completion. 
    What’s the difference between an agile PMO and a traditional PMO?

    The biggest difference between agile PMOs and traditional PMOs is that traditional PMOs typically require thorough upfront planning before execution and rely on well-defined processes, extensive documentation, and a defined hierarchy. 

    Agile PMOs, however, develop, adapt and change as projects develop and change – taking an iterative approach which enables faster delivery of value. 

    How? By breaking projects down into much smaller parts.

    How can PMO tools support agile PMOs? 

    PMO tools can support agile PMOs by providing project tracking solutions, reporting functions and resource tracking/availability – allowing agile PMO teams to respond proactively to changes in projects as things progress. 

    If you’re part of an agile PMO and would like to find out more about Sycamore Gap’s pre-built PMO solution, please book a free demo or contact us to learn more.

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