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Exploring the many benefits of a Project Management Office

    Benefits of a Project Management Office (PMO) - Sycamore Gap PMO

    Benefits of a Project Management Office

    There are many benefits of a Project Management Office; to project teams as well as business growth. Within this blog, we’ll be exploring the many benefits of a Project Management Office (PMO). 

    Benefits of a Project Management Office 

    Improving project visibility: PMOs can help to improve project visibility, largely by ensuring projects are delivered to a strict deadline, teams and individual team members are held accountable for specific tasks, and project reporting and admin is standardised & produced regularly; ensuring key stakeholders know exactly how projects are progressing (and if not, why not?). 

    Improving risk management and mitigation: Project Management Offices provide an essential overview of the project or projects they look after, as often as you need. This allows your project team to manage risks – quickly & easily identifying risks and challenges to key project metrics such as budget or deadline/timeline which, in turn, will allow you to find solutions in order to prevent or mitigate those risks.

    Decreasing costs: PMOs can also help manage and reduce project costs, not only by helping project teams identify and stick to a realistic budget, but also by helping teams appropriately allocate resources and assign tasks, managing capacity and, indirectly, expectations. This, alongside the standardisation and repetition of key processes which also support increased productivity and efficiencies. 

    Sycamore Gap’s PMO software

    Sycamore Gap’s PMO software provides Project Management Offices with a clear overview of your project(s) and the key metrics associated with it/them will help you easily and quickly identify risks, assign tasks to specific individuals and manage capacity. 

    Alongside this, one click dashboard / reporting makes building reports almost instant; significantly reducing the time spent manually building reports for stakeholders – time that can be otherwise spent monitoring projects, problem solving & managing risks, or mentoring members of the project team. 

    To find out more about Sycamore Gap’s PMO, please book a demo or contact us.

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