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Collaborative project management software

    Collaborative Project Management Software Sycamore Gap PMO

    The importance of collaboration and the role of collaborative project management software

    When it comes to project management and project management offices in particular, collaboration is key to an efficient, productive team. As such, the focus of this article will be collaboration; the importance of collaboration and the role of collaborative project management software.

    The importance of collaboration

    Collaboration is more than your team attending regular meetings and/or simply keeping each other up to date on what’s happening, how projects are progressing, and flagging any areas where challenges or barriers may be/are arising. 

    No, collaboration is about all this and so much more – bringing your team together to actively help, support and problem solve together in order to complete projects to the expected timelines, budgets and standards/quality and recognising that some tasks simply can’t be completed alone or in isolation. 

    The role of collaborative project management software

    As such, project management software that encourages and enhances collaboration – i.e. collaborative project management software – plays an important role in the overall efficiency and productivity of PMOs and your teams. 

    And, using Sycamore Gap’s PMO solution as an example, app-based, pre-built PMO software aids collaboration in various ways, such as: 

    • Simple and familiar navigation enables all members of the team to access key project data
    • One-click dashboards/reports, mailmerge to Word, and export to Excel and Power BI enables all users, not only to view, extract and work with important data, but also for all users to keep track of it and update it as projects progress
    • Workflows and automation/automated notification support your team to maintain consistent processes

    With this, all of the above naturally reduces time spent on collating and formatting key metrics for reports and stakeholder meetings, allowing your team to spend more time communicating and supporting each other, and allowing PMO Leads to dedicate more time to mentoring & training your Project Managers. 

    To learn more about Sycamore Gap’s pre-built PMO solution and how it can aid collaborative and team work within your organisation, please click here, book a demo or sign up to our email newsletter for monthly updates.