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Frequently Asked Questions

How do we get Sycamore Gap’s PMO?

We work with your IT team to deploy the base PMO product and provide you & your team with access. For those new to Power Platform, we use this time to share our experience with your IT team. PMO is installed on your Microsoft tenant, so it’s all yours and very secure; configured to your needs/language/processes. 

Do I/my team need training to use this PMO? 

PMO is easily configured to your terms and phrases and we will quickly make those changes. PMO is intuitive, so doesn’t require the traditional level of training often required to use professional tools and software of this nature. Instead, we sit with your team for a day in order to demonstrate all features and configure the software to your needs – allowing you and your team to start using PMO immediately.

Is ongoing support available should I need it? 

As the team input their data, they will doubtless have questions. We are on hand to answer them immediately, either in your office or online, whatever works for you. And although our PMO is incredibly robust and reliable, email or phone support is available as required, should you experience any login issues, technical emergencies or answers pressing questions at any point during use, not only in the first few weeks of adoption.

I want to change something, can you help me?

PMO is yours, on your tenant. We train you to make all the minor changes such as labels, stages, etc., that make it yours. However, if you don’t have the time or are not yet feeling confident, we will be delighted to help you, especially with bigger changes.