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How do I maintain RAID logs?

    How do I maintain RAID logs? Sycamore Gap PMO solution

    FAQs: how do I maintain RAID logs? 

    All projects, of all lengths and sizes, come with risks, barriers and challenges that must be overcome in a timely and cost-effective manner, and RAID logs are a fantastic way to keep track of project risks and associated decisions & actions undertaken to manage and mitigate those risks. As such, Project Managers frequently ask us: how do I maintain RAID logs? 

    How do I maintain RAID logs? 

    As valuable project management tools that track Risks, Actions, Issues and Decisions, RAID logs are considered to be both simple and effective ways to organise key information; extremely helpful for reporting and when attending meetings.

    Typically kept as Excel spreadsheets, RAID logs can often be considered difficult to maintain and update; information often becoming lost or overwritten, or various different copies stored on various different computers. 

    Consequently, the best way to maintain RAID logs is by migrating away from the traditional Excel-based spreadsheet to something more agile; online or app-based project management software that updates key project metrics in real time; allowing you to view the whole project and its progression, generate reports, view tasks and responsible individuals, and communicate between team members. 

    Viewing RAID logs as workable parts of the entire project rather than isolated information in this way will help you better understand risks, actions, issues and decisions – managing and mitigating risks appropriately

    Sycamore Gap’s PMO solution

    Sycamore Gap’s PMO solution helps PMO Leads and Project Managers to manage project risks, as well as improve the productivity and efficiency of your team by providing a solution to the time-consuming and error-prone manual cut’n’paste of data to quickly produce professional, consistent reports, the easy automation of notifications, audit logs, and workflows in order to maintain consistent processes.

    To find out more about our PMO, please contact us, book a demo or sign up to our email newsletter for information & updates.