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Key issues that can hold back business growth and how PMO can help

    Key issues that can hold back business growth and how PMO can help - Sycamore Gap PMO

    How PMO can galvanise business growth

    There are many challenges to creating sustainable and consistent business growth and many elements that can hold back that growth. Within this blog, we’ll explore key issues that can hold back business growth and how PMO can help. 

    Key issues that can hold back business growth and how PMO can help

    Inefficient business processes: it’s too easy for long standing teams to become stuck in their ways and ‘go through the motions’ which, although understandable, can lead to inefficiencies within core business processes, which can then lead to delays in payments, key communications, reporting and crucial task completion. 

    ‘Time poverty’ within teams: busy teams can often feel like there’s not enough time within the working day to complete all daily or weekly tasks assigned to them – this feeling frequently comes from time spent on administrative or lower-value tasks like replying to emails, collating data or checking up on the progress of certain projects. 

    Projects running over time and over budget: particularly relevant for B2B organisations such as agencies or large-scale organisations running multiple internal & external projects at any one time is the issue of projects consistently running over time and/or over budget – delaying payments, other and future projects, lowering team morale and impacting the reputation of your organisation. 

    Delays and challenges in putting together vital reports: reporting and staying on top of key metrics is vital to the ongoing success of any business; collating, analysing, and feedback on core data provides teams and stakeholders with the ability to assess current successes and plan for future growth. However, when data is spread across a wide range of teams or departments, and is therefore hard or time consuming to collate and report on, these reports can either become delayed or put to one side in favour of other tasks. 

    How can Sycamore Gap’s PMO make a difference? 

    Sycamore Gap’s PMO solution has been designed to help PMO Leads and Project Management teams improve productivity, communication and overall efficiency

    By offering one click dashboard/reports, our PMO tool provides professionals with a way to generate comprehensive, branded and standardised reports quickly, whilst tracking vital portfolio and project metrics, configure documents, and mitigate risks.

    Learn more about Sycamore Gap’s PMO and book a demo or contact us to discuss your requirements. 

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