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Our PMO solution is your cost-effective option

    Our PMO solution is your cost-effective option
    lowcodenocode is the cost-effective choice

    Adopting new 3rd party products can be expensive (training to get users up to speed with a new product/user interface, familiarisation, maintenance, licensing costs, additional tech and vendors to manage)

    PMO is a very cost-efficient option for you project office needs:

    • training costs are low as PMO has the familiar look’n’feel of all of the Microsoft products your team already use
    • Maintenance costs are low. The ‘lowcodenocode’ nature of Sycamore Gap’s PMO solution means that upgrades and future enhancements are simple (and can be frequently done by your team). Both of these features avoid the costly consultancy fees typically associated with many products
    • Power Platform is licensing is very cheap (some of which you may already have, so even better!)
    • Our PMO product is configured to your processes, terminology and branding, so no need to train users
    • Adopting a PMO solution based upon Power Platform further leverages your investment in the Microsoft stack, getting more out of what you already have and avoiding adding more technologies and vendors