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PMO Lead responsibilities and how PMO software can help

    PMO Lead responsibilities and PMO tools Sycamore Gap PMO

    How PMO software can help with PMO Lead responsibilities 

    A PMO Lead oversees Project Managers and project teams working on a range of projects within the organisation’s portfolio. 

    It is the role of the PMO Lead to ensure each project aligns with the organisation’s goals and business strategy, that project progress is adequately tracked and reported on with and to key stakeholders & investors, and project teams are supported in professional training and development opportunities. 

    Essentially, a PMO Lead is responsible for ensuring projects align with core business needs, are executed effectively & efficiently, and each member of the project team possesses the necessary skills to see projects through to completion. 

    And, with so much responsibility, it’s crucial that PMO Leads are appropriately supported by relevant tools & PMO software; streamlining processes, maximising efficiency and increasing productivity. 

    Within this blog, we’ll discuss how PMO software can help with PMO Lead responsibilities. 

    PMO Lead responsibilities and how PMO software can help

    Project planning: PMO software can help PMO Leads effectively plan projects from initiation to completion – providing Leads and project teams with a way to plan tasks and activities away from the traditional copy ‘n’ paste spreadsheets that are all too often locally saved and difficult to update or track all changes. 

    Allocation of resources: another way PMO tools support PMO Leads and Managers is with resource allocation and delegation; providing Leads and PMO Managers with a clear overview of exactly what resources are available or scarcity. 

    Task allocation, tracking and deadlines: what’s more, effective PMO tools offer an easy, efficient way to allocate and track tasks – assigning individual tasks to specific members of the team alongside deadlines and dependencies. 

    Risk management: risk management and mitigation is a crucial part of project management and the role of a PMO Lead. PMO tools can help Leads and Managers assess and manage risk within a project by offering things like KPI dashboards, one-click reporting functions and risk-focussed traffic light systems that help you understand the probability of risk within a specific element of a project. 

    Reporting: effective PMO tools such as that offered by the team here at Sycamore Gap PMO offer one-click dashboard reporting functions, enabling PMO Leads and Managers to generate reports quickly and easily. 

    Time saving: all of the above can lead to something very valuable within the roles & responsibilities of a PMO Lead; time saving! By streamlining processes in a variety of ways and providing Leads with a way to track project progress and generate reports with ease, PMO Leads and Managers can save many valuable working hours which can then be allocated to higher value tasks and activities such as staff training and mentoring. 

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