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PMO Toolkit: the ultimate guide to PMO solutions

    PMO Toolkit: the ultimate guide to PMO solutions

    A PMO toolkit, providing the ultimate guide to PMO solutions

    If you’re considering adopting a PMO solution to support you in your efforts to improve and increase efficiency, productivity and communication between and within your project teams, we’ve put together this useful guide to PMO solutions – a PMO toolkit – that walks you through the benefits of a PMO and what to look for when considering your options. 

    PMO toolkit: the ultimate guide to PMO solutions

    PMO solutions are essential pieces of software created to help PMO Leads and project management teams work efficiently and productively, communicate meaningfully and track vital portfolio and project metrics both quickly and easily – particularly during peak times and busy periods.

    PMO solutions – the benefits

    To PMO Leads in particular, tasked with the successful management of large teams of Project Managers, PMO solutions carry the following benefits

    Better reporting: a way to configure reports, clearly define and present key metrics to working groups, and export data for use in different programmes as needed, has a Microsoft Word or Excel.  

    Automation: the ability to automate notifications, create audit logs, and generate workflows to maintain consistent processes.

    Improve communication: clear and easy access to key metrics and project/portfolio information, such as individual project progression or potential issues within projects, serves to improve communication within your team, as well as providing PMO Leads with the time, ability and foresight to anticipate – and therefore mitigate – risks. 

    Time saving: all of the above consequently allows PMO Leads in particular to spend less time copying and pasting data from various documents or chasing information from relevant teams and/or specific team members to generate multiple reports, and more time identifying and mitigating risks, mentoring your team(s), and focusing on more urgent tasks. 

    What to look for when considering PMO solutions

    When considering PMO solutions, there are a number of key aspects and features to look for, including: 

    • Ease of integration – will the PMO in question integrate easily with your current processes, procedures and software?
    • User experience and ease of use – will the chosen PMO be intuitive and easy enough for all relevant team members to use, confidently and regularly? 
    • Security – will the PMO under consideration keep your data safe and secure from potential hackers, bugs or viruses? 
    • Suitability – will your chosen PMO do everything you need it to do? 

    There are many project management software options available on the market, each providing various ways of tracking tasks, projects, and output depending on what your focus is; however, Sycamore Gap’s pre-built PMO solution is unique – easily adapted and integrated into your current systems and processes, whilst enabling you to generate & automate consistent reports configured to your brand and business requirements. 

    If you feel Sycamore Gap’s pre-built PMO solution could work wonders for and your team, please book a demo or email [email protected]