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Roles Project Management Offices play in a company

    Roles Project Management Offices play in a company Sycamore Gap PMO

    The role of project management offices

    Here, we’ll explore the important roles project management offices (PMOs) play in a company – detailing, not only the roles specifically, but also the benefits felt by the team & wider organisation by these PMOs.

    Roles Project Management Offices play in a company

    The role of project management offices is to act as an information hub for the projects they support and add value to these projects – and their teams – with knowledge, skills and experience. 

    A PMO will support projects and Project Managers to work efficiently, productively and confidently; facilitating learning & development and training opportunities for the PMs and project teams running them. 

    Project management offices also communicate between projects and decision makers – providing decision makers with comprehensive and accessible, standardised reports; tracking vital project data & statistics, configuring documents, and mitigating risks. 

    Portfolio management is a key role of a PMO – achieving the strategic goals of the company within which they operate by selecting, prioritising and managing projects.

    With so many roles and responsibilities falling under project management offices, it’s essential that PMOs remain highly organised, as well as creating standardised and accessible documents, tools and procedures.

    What’s more, risk management and risk mitigation, as mentioned above, are crucial to PMOs; ensuring the projects they support are completed to an expected timeline and budget. 

    All of the above means PMOs spend a lot of time creating and amending reports, wading through data & statistics and duplicating documents; formatting data into comprehensive reports customised dependent on meeting type & attendants. 

    To help project management offices minimise the time they spend generating reports and duplicating and/or customising documents, we’ve created a pre-built PMO solution; an app designed to automate many of the laborious, manual tasks of PMO Leads & project teams. 

    To find out more about our PMO solution, please visit our services page or book a demo