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Sustainability in project management 

    Sustainability in project management Sycamore Gap PMO

    Finding sustainability in project management using PMO tools 

    For many businesses and large scale organisations the world over, finding ways to work more sustainably and incorporate greener processes into your daily tasks & activities has quickly become a priority; keen to reduce your carbon footprint and make a positive contribution to the fight against climate change. But did you know PMO tools can aid your project teams to find and adopt sustainability in project management? Here’s how… 

    Sustainability in project management

    Investing in PMO tools and project management software is an effective, long term solution to adopting sustainability in project management and sustainable processes, reducing your organisation’s carbon footprint and positively contributing to the fight against climate change. 

    This is simply due to the fact that PMO can help project teams – 

    Reduce paper consumption: PMO tools such as that offered by the team here at Sycamore Gap PMO are app-based and therefore operate entirely online; housing your conversations, documents, document sharing processes etc., and therefore helping project teams to reduce your paper consumption which, in turn, will reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint. 

    Reduce reliance on email: Did you know that a single email has a carbon footprint of between 0.3g CO2e and 50g CO2e depending on the length, format and attachment size? Most PMO software offers an instant messaging or group chat function – enabling project teams to collaborate, share ideas and keep up-to-date on the latest project developments without relying on long email strings.

    Reduce the use of office supplies: alongside the above is the use of PMO tools in reducing consumption of office supplies as, by providing channels via which team can communicate, share documents, generate reports, and track key project metrics, PMO tools organically lead to a significant reduction in the use of office supplies such as pens & pencils, paper and printing multiple copies of lengthy documents. 

    Essentially, if you’re looking for ways to work with more sustainability in project management, adopting Sycamore Gap’s PMO solution could very well be the solution you’ve been looking for. 

    To find out more about our PMO, please book a free demo or contact us to learn more.
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