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What are the components of PMO?

    What are the components of PMO? Sycamore Gap PMO

    PMO Components: what are they and why are they important?

    PMOs are integral to any large and growing business overseeing multiple projects and often grow in complexity and capacity/capability over time. That being said, what are the overarching PMO components? 

    What are the components of PMO? 

    Creating & maintaining processes and standards: one of the key responsibilities of a PMO is to create and maintain project processes and standards, ensuring Project Managers are well versed on the standards expected from them, as well as well-equipped with the documents & tools necessary to appropriately complete the tasks at hand. 

    Professional training & development: particularly prevalent to Project Manager roles, PMO components also consist of the professional training and development of PMs and their teams; ensuring project teams operate, not only to a high standard, but also possess the up-to-date knowledge and certifications required to work to a high standard. 

    Portfolio Management: PMOs – most vitaly – own the portfolio management process; acting as the ‘go between’ at project level and portfolio level to make sure all decision makers are given the information they need in the most accessible way(s).

    Ongoing mentoring: alongside training & development, it is also the PMO’s responsibility to mentor and coach their Project Managers wherever possible, ensuring PMs are supported to act with confidence, to overcome the challenges and risks associated with their role, and make the most appropriate decisions necessary to complete their given projects as expected. 

    Ownership of PMO software: project software also sits under a PMO – a PMO being responsible for software and tools that support project teams to communicate, organise, monitor and report on their projects in an accessible and efficient way. 

    And it’s here – PMO software – that Sycamore Gap can help. 

    Sycamore Gap’s PMO is a pre-built PMO solution design to improve the productivity, communication and efficiency of project teams; offering professionals a way to generate comprehensive reports, track vital portfolio and project metrics, configure documents, and mitigate risks.

    To find out more about our PMO solution, please visit our services page or book a demo.