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What is the best software to use for project management?

    What is the best software to use for project management?

    Here, we’ll explore what is the best software to use for project management, and why

    Project management software is essential to ensuring PMO Leads and project management teams can work efficiently and productively, and communicate meaningfully; particularly during peak times and busy periods.

    As such, project management software is incredibly popular, with a multitude of SaaS companies releasing this kind of software geared towards different industries or supporting different aspects of project management; Microsoft Project being a great example of this. 

    So what, with so many PM and PMO softwares available on the market, is the best software to use for project management? And what could be the best software for you? 

    What is the best software to use for project management?

    When searching for the best software to use for project management, there are a number of factors to consider, such as: 

    • The size of your team
    • How easy new software will be to integrate into your current systems & processes
    • What, specifically, you need out of any software (i.e. improved communication, risk mitigation, report automation – or all 3!?)
    • Your budget

    The above factors will determine the kind of project management software ideally suited to you and your team. 

    For instance, if you run a small business or oversee a small team of just a few key individuals and simply need help tracking tasks and monitoring task progress, something like Trello or Jira could be a great fit for you. 

    However, if you oversee a team of over 10 professionals and find yourself spending a lot of time copying and pasting data from multiple sources into 1 or more coherent reports, with little time available during your working week to dedicate to other – often more urgent – tasks, a sophisticated and powerful PMO solution such as that offered by Sycamore Gap could be a much more appropriate fit. 

    Our PMO solution is easily adapted and integrated into your current systems and processes, and enables you to generate & automate consistent reports configured to your brand and business requirements, as well as being easy to use with a similar look’n’feel to familiar Office products. 

    If you feel Sycamore Gap’s pre-built PMO solution could work wonders for and your team, please book a demo or email [email protected]