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What should a project management or PMO dashboard include?

    What should a project management dashboard include? Sycamore Gap PMO

    This is what a project management or PMO dashboard should include

    Project management dashboards and PMO tools that include dashboard functionalities are crucial to project management teams, and the ultimate, consistent success of projects – providing a detailed yet easily accessed overview of project ‘health’. But what should a project management or PMO dashboard include? 

    What should a project management or PMO dashboard include? 

    Your KPIs: your KPIs – Key Performance Indicators – are unique to your organisation and the individual projects you manage and one of the first things you’ll need to determine when setting up or considering a PM dashboard is what KPIs you need to track. This is crucial to project success as these KPIs will tell you in a glance what’s happening with each of your projects; whether they’re running to schedule and budget. 

    Tasks: when considering what a PMO dashboard should include, tasks should also be a priority consideration. By adding tasks to be completed and the owner of said tasks, possibly accompanied by timelines or adjacent to project timelines, PMO Leads and project teams will be able to easily identify what still needs to be done to move the project forward and when by. 

    A risk management metric/project status: alongside tasks and timelines, a risk management metric and project status indicator will be incredibly invaluable to a dashboard, especially if presented in the form of – or similar to the form of – a traffic light system which will provide a way to quickly and easily identify risks and challenges with certain projects. 

    One click reporting functionality: not only should a dashboard provide you and your team with an overview of KPIs, but it should also be exportable in some form to create branded and standardised reports that can be provided to stakeholders and management teams for information, analysis and feedback/planning. This, in turn, will save project teams and PMO Leads significant time compiling data and manually generating reports from local spreadsheets.  

    You can find out more about Sycamore Gap’s PMO and book a demo or contact us to discuss your requirements. 

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