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What to consider when assembling your project team

    What to consider when assembling your project team

    When it comes to successfully managing and completing projects, assembling a project team you can rely on is imperative – not only to the project’s success, but also to the productivity and efficiency of the team managing and executing the project. Here are some ideas as to how to achieve this and what to consider when assembling your project team. 

    What to consider when assembling your project team

    When assembling a project team it’s important to consider the following elements: 

    Clearly define roles & responsibilities – Having a very clear vision of exactly who needs to do what and therefore what skills, knowledge and experience each of your team members will need, and how many team members you need, is integral to the success of your projects; avoiding conflict or duplication of work and miscommunication within the team as well as with clients & stakeholders. 

    Clear defined goals & expected outcomes – In order to define your project team’s roles & responsibilities, you need to have a clear idea of project goals and expected (or desired) outcomes, not least of all so your team knows exactly what they are aiming to achieve, and are well-advised to do so. An informed team is a focused team, working together to achieve very specific goals! However, it’s important to remember that your project goals need to be timely, relevant, specific, attainable and measurable. 

    Good communication – To execute a project successfully – to budget, time and expectations – you also need to assemble a project team that’s good at communicating; a team that values open and honest communication, collaboration and team-focused problem-solving. This also involves building trust within your team as well as a positive environment where team members are free – and encouraged – to share their concerns and/or issues. 

    A defined and easy way to track & monitor KPIs – Having an easy to access, view and amend system in place to track, monitor and report on your projects – a system that each of your team members can access – is also a huge consideration when assembling a project team as reporting & monitoring is such a large part of project management. 

    Fortunately, Sycamore Gap’s PMO has been created specifically to aid project teams with tracking, monitoring and reporting, all team communication, risk identification & mitigation, and goal definition – improving efficiency, communication and productivity. 

    To find out more about our PMO software, please visit our benefits page or book a demo

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