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Win more bids with a robust PMO process

    Win more bids with a robust PMO process

    Having a robust PMO process based upon an integrated system helps you to win bids and retain customers.
    – Elevate yourself above the competition – your competitors will be showing slides with project lifecycle, change board, risk management, etc. In reality, it’s a set of Excel/Word/PowerPoint documents that their PM’s should use (but may not)
    – Go one better: demonstrate the system in which you manage your projects, right now. Show them it’s more than slideware
    – Quality – instil confidence in your potential customers by showing your well maintained PMO system, demonstrating that their project will be managed properly
    – Great and consistent service – delight your customer by immediately answering queries about project status, changes, risks. No more searching network drives and email archives for the last status report
    – Better still, give them access via a portal page, make it self-service!

    Contact us to find out more and get a demo of our PMO solution
